The following offerings are intended to help you build connection to your body and a relationship with your whole self. Let's discuss what your body, mind, spirit need and curate an approach together.
Somatic Experiencing
Nervous System Relating
Somatic Therapy
Stress, Overwhelm, and Trauma of all kinds live within the tissues of our bodies. This can leave us feeling dis-regulated, triggered, frantic, shut down; not our full, alive selves. Connection and trust to our internal experience can feel lost. Somatic Experiencing is a mindful therapeutic process encouraging you to orient to your internal experience and build a relationship with your body and nervous system. You will become more familiar with how the body speaks and build capacity to listen and be with your internal wisdom, re-establishing a sense of TRUST from within YOURSELF. Together we will encourage your natural state of flow, reacquainting you with the empowered sense of your aliveness and freedom that has always been yours to live.
Within this unique approach of getting to know your nervous system, a combination of coaching/therapeutic interventions disrupts the need to tame the body. This UNSHAMING approach disrupts the status quo which demands you to be a perfectly "regulated" human. We listen to the disregulation to begin to learn to RELATE to it. We build capacity to feel the disruption, free the stuck energy, and hear the wisdom held within; restoring balance to your system in YOUR unique way.
Bodywork: Craniosacral & Somatic Touch
A holistic approach your body’s experience with pain. Pain, physical or emotional, causes the body to respond in contraction. This contraction is quite intelligent as the body is doing its best to create protection from the inside out, however this gets very exhausting for the body and various systems which are trying to maintain homeostasis (aka balance).
In body work sessions I use a variety of modalities including craniosacral and somatic touch to coax the nervous system into balance. With gentle touch, specific holding of various joints and body diaphragms, we reduce contraction and increase coherence: communication happens between systems and the body is able to let go, come alive, and engage responsively. Dialogue may be introduced to deepen your awareness and connection to your felt sense.
In summary this approach to healing will help you learn how to settle and release physiological activation from your body. Very often this process helps people to reduce stress and return to a sense of regulation and increase ease/flow in their lives.
Therapeutic Massage is an effective approach to body awareness, embodiment, and nervous system balance. Listening to your specific physical and emotional needs, we tailor a relaxing and therapeutic approach to healing and wellness that is appropriate for you.